Ben Holloway
The most important thing to know about me is that I am a sinner saved by the grace of God.
Some other facts about me:
My family live in North Carolina with snakes and spiders under a continuously blue sky. My wife homeschools our four children and I teach philosophy and intellectual history at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
We attend and help out at our church, Stony Hill Baptist Church where I also serve as a Deacon/Elder.
I am an addicted but slow runner. I am also a morning person. If you want something cogent from me it has to be between 5am and noon and the nearer lunch it gets the grumpier I will be. I am also British.

I am a graduate of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford (Dip. H.E., Biblical and Theological Studies), Moody Bible Institute (BA, Apologetics and Philosophical Theology), Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (MA, Philosophy of Religion), and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ph.D Philosophy of Religion).
I am also a graduate of The Musicians Institute. I slog (if you can have a video log then you can have a song log) at soundcloud by attempting to write and record songs/tunes at the fastest rate possible. My record is 30 minutes.
This is a blog not a peer reviewed journal so I give myself permission to commit logical howlers, get my facts wrong, misunderstand my opponents and generally be a fallible human being. Don’t misunderstand me, I don’t want to be wrong, but if I had to guarantee that I am right before I hit ‘publish’ I would never post anything.
If you think I’ve got it wrong, say so. You are equally invited to agree with me. It’s nice when people do. It’s equally okay not to be sure. Sometimes I write things that I am not sure if I agree with or not.
Part of the reason for writing this blog is for me to think out loud. I would keep writing it even if no one ever read it. That does not mean I don’t want anyone to read it. I tend to believe what I am saying is not only true, but valuable. Whether it is valuable is up to you, the reader, but mostly it’s up to Jesus.
So, if you can accept fallibility, read on…
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