• Psalms,  Sermon

    Sermon: Psalm 44

    Have you ever had a winning streak? Squash player, Jahangir Khan, once had a 555 game winning streak. From 1981-1985 he never lost a single game! Once in 1982, he won the International Squash Players Association Championship without losing a single point. When you are on a winning streak—everything seems to be going perfectly—you do everything you can to stay on it. Winning streaks are marked by attention to doing the same thing, an attempt not to jinx the outcome: In this pursuit of perfection, nothing was ever left to chance – Borg’s Wimbledon routine was the same every year: the same hotel in Hampstead, the same locker, the same chair, the…

  • Epistemology,  Psalms

    Epistemology in the Psalms

    Psalm 19 and Psalm 139 form a good basis for a Biblical epistemology. Psalm 19 describes human knowledge of God via the created order and the word of God. Revelation of God in the created order is clear and available to all human beings; it is unavoidable. Revelation in the word is clear, but only available to those to whom it has been given. Once special revelation has been accepted, believed in and loved, the general revelation of God in nature is seen rightly, leading to worship of the true God. In Psalm 139 we see the knowledge that God has of human beings. It is comprehensive, grounded in his creation of human…