• Clifford McManis,  Faith

    Faith is…

    What is faith? It seems to be a simple concept, one simply believes in something. However, a Biblical definition is rich and multifaceted. Clifford McManis offers a survey of some of the ideas involved in a definition of faith: Faith is being safe and secure (Psalm 4) and being in a refuge or shelter (Psalm 2). Faith is fidelity (Habakkuk 2:4 cf Rom 1:17) and trusting God with your whole life (Psalm 22:1-10). Faith is trusting in the word of God (Gen 15); it is belief that motivates you to action (James 2:14-17). Faith is also the content of belief that you defend (Jude 3). Faith produces growth when it is tested…

  • Apologetics,  Clifford McManis,  Doug Wilson,  Greg Bahnsen,  Jason Lisle

    Apologetic Reads

    Before I read Van Til I didn’t read apologetics very much. I did quite a bit of apologetics, but found reading it dull and not very useful. I couldn’t get through reams of logic or piles of evidence without the realization that the next time I met a teenager with questions I would have no chance of even remembering what I had read let alone maintaining the attention of my interlocutor. Being committed to a presuppositional method I now lap up contributions on the subject. Here are a few I have read recently:God Is by Doug Wilson is a read-in-an-hour-or-two rough-shod ride over the pages of Christopher Hitchen’s God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.…